TWO men have been arrested after being found with £30,000 cash and a quantity of cannabis near Rivington services.

The duo were caught during a routine car stop on the M61 at around 9.10pm on Sunday, May 30.

Officers on patrol on the northbound side of the motorway, close to the services, had spotted a Mercedes travelling at high speed.

Officers signalled for the vehicle to stop and when it was approached they noticed a strong smell of cannabis.

While carrying out a search of the car, they found around £30,000 in cash and a quantity of cannabis.

The driver of the vehicle – a 30-year-old man from Dewsbury – was arrested at the scene on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs and money laundering.

A second man - aged 24 and from Preston - was arrested at the scene on suspicion of possession of class B or C drugs and money laundering.

Both have since been released under investigation.