Greater Manchester and Lancashire's fire and rescue teams have made a joint plea to prevent wildfires around Bolton.

This has come with warmer weather expected soon, schools breaking up, and Easter bank holiday approaching.

Fire crews and residents still have vivid memories of the fires that ripped through Winter Hill in 2018, which lasted over 40 days, and an increase in fires during the first lockdown last year.

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Services’ area manager Paul Duggan, head of prevention, said: “The memories of the moorland fires in 2018 remain fresh in the mind of everyone involved, from our firefighters who worked incredibly hard to put the fires out, to the residents who were forced from their homes.

“Moorland and wildfires can be started in a number of ways. Sadly, many fires in the countryside are started deliberately, however, some can break out by people being careless with barbecues, campfires or not disposing of cigarettes properly.

“Our message is strong and clear - never have a barbecue or campfire on the moors or start a fire deliberately wherever you are in the UK. Many people think it’s just the flame from a barbecue that sets the moorland on fire, but it’s actually the heat from the disposable barbecue that often sets peat and dry moorland alight.”

The warning has also coincided with a loosening of coronavirus restrictions allowing groups of up to six to meet outdoors.

Mr Duggan added: "We understand that people want to spend time outdoors – especially as we see warmer weather and lighter nights arrive - but we all need to keep doing our bit to stop the spread of Covid-19.

"Government advice is for people to minimise domestic travel as the ‘stay at home’ rule ends. We want to reinforce that message and ask people to consider if making a long journey is necessary before heading to the countryside in a different area. Not only will this help minimise the spread of coronavirus, it could also prevent wildfires from breaking out.

"I’m sure all of our residents will welcome the opportunity to meet with their family and friends again this weekend – I certainly do – but let’s keep each other safe and keep getting out of this lockdown by remembering hands, face, space, fresh air."

Fire and rescue teams are set to be spending time in areas at high risk from wildfires, such as Bolton, and talking to members of the public about preventing wildfires and the impact that they can have.

Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS)is also working hard to prepare for this coming Easter, which is always a very busy time for the service.

LFRS’ group manager, Liam Wilson, said: "In recent years we have seen an increase in wildfires, some of which have been caused by deliberate and negligent ignition. To those individuals who seek to aggravate an already difficult situation we ask them to think about the wider consequences of their actions.

"The direct impact of wildfires upon our communities can be massive, however, they also need to consider that these incidents tie up critical emergency service resources, which could have serious consequences for other people who may genuinely need our help elsewhere. We will continue to work with colleagues from Lancashire Police regarding investigating these incidents.

"Early notification is important as these fires can develop very quickly. If you do see a fire, please dial 999 and report it immediately."