BOLTON Golf Club (BGC) is opening a junior academy to encourage youngsters to take up the sport.

The Chorley New Road club says top quality coaching will be offered at the facility.

The academy will be led by club professional Matthew Galley alongside two assistant golf professionals.

It will include weekly coaching every Saturday morning after the offer of a free taster session.

Matthew also will be carrying out coaching sessions at schools in the next school year.

BGC member Jerry Glover (ex CEO at Bolton Lads and Girls Club)will serve as the club’s welfare officer.

He said: “ I’m happy to help in any way I can.

"We are all going through challenging times at the moment, none more so than young people.

"It is so important to get back to normality as quickly as we can and for young people that means getting out, meeting friends and having some fun.

"My role is just to support the professional team and try to make sure that a young person’s experience of golf at BGC is as good and as safe as it can possible be."

The club has also been awarded a SafeGolf accreditation by England Golf, meaning that players can be assured they will be safe on the course.

For more details about the junior golf academy at BGC contact 01204 843067 or email