A SPECIAL Mother’s Day service will be broadcast on Howe Bridge Crematorium's website today.

The service is taking place at the newly-opened Sirhowy Valley Crematorium in Caerphilly County Borough, Wales, and will be broadcast by all 35 sites within the Westerleigh Group, the UK’s largest independent owner and operator of crematoria and cemeteries.

Over the Christmas period, around 11,000 people viewed festive services of remembrance which were made available digitally because pandemic restrictions prevented people from attending the ceremonies in person like they usually do.

Now Westerleigh Group wants to make sure people are able to remember and celebrate their mothers, too, with a special service which will start with a welcome from the group’s Chief Executive Officer Roger Mclaughlan.

The service is expected to last around 45 minutes and will include prayers, hymns and readings.

Lindsey Edwardson, Site Manager for Howe Bridge Crematorium, said: “Mother’s Day can be a particularly poignant time for those who have lost loved ones.

“Lockdown restrictions will prevent many people from being able to remember their mothers in the way they would wish to, and families will not be able to gather together as they may have done otherwise.

“That’s why we wanted to provide this Mother’s Day service, to bring some comfort to people and to enable them to feel that they are honouring their lost loved ones in a special way.

“Our festive services of remembrance, which were streamed on-line in December, proved extremely popular and we had some very positive feedback, so we hope people will be equally as pleased with our Mother’s Day service.”

The service will be shown on Sunday, March 14 at 11am and can be found by visiting

www.howebridgecrematorium.co.uk and following the link.

It will also be available to view afterwards on the Westerleigh Group’s YouTube channel.