A WOMAN caught stealing 18 bottles of Jack Daniel's whiskey from a Bolton supermarket was homeless and had slipped back into taking drugs after splitting with her partner, magistrates heard.

Between November 14 and December 5 last year, Lauren Banks, aged 28, stole the alcohol and a further four bottles of vodka from Morrisons in Breightmet.

Leigh Morgan ,prosecuting, said she was caught after security staff spotted her when sifting through CCTV footage.

Tracey Haslam, defending, said Banks had been in a stable relationship and recovering from a long standing drug addiction when they split up and she ended up sofa surfing.

"She returned to the lifestyle she was previously used to," said Mrs Haslam. But Bolton magistrates heard that the couple are now back together, Banks has stopped taking drugs and Mrs Haslam described the shoplifting as "a blip".

Banks was banned from entering the store for a year, ordered to pay £351.96 in compensation and was given a 7pm to 7am curfew for six weeks.