How can the proposed new mosque on Blackburn Road. Sharples - and I quote from the Bolton News article - ‘maintain the ambience of the area’?

The area is predominantly terraced houses and this mosque is HUGE. It will look like a carbuncle on the face of a much-loved friend (to quote Prince Charles).

It will stand out like a sore thumb, towering above everything. How can it be passed by the council planners?

While on the subject of said planners, I’m not sure what they were thinking when they allowed the PINK extensions to be added to the temple on Deane Road at the bottom of Cannon Street.

This old church building has always looked well cared for since it was transformed many years ago into its present place of worship and it blended in nicely with its surroundings.

Now it looks like a blancmange my mum used to make when I was a child!

Is it a case of ‘anything goes’ now in Bolton?

D Syddall