A SIX foot metal silhouette of a soldier commemorating those who lost their lives in conflict has been stolen in Horwich.

Each year the Royal British Legion (RBL) put up lamp post poppies and the 'Tommy' silhouettes across the town.

This year these symbols have been even more important due to the pandemic curtailing traditional ceremonies of remembrance.

However, volunteers at the RBL in Horwich and residents have been left disappointed after one of the silhouettes was stolen at the bottom of Crown Lane, under the M61 bridge.

Chair of Horwich RBL Craig Rotheram said: "It's beggar's belief why someone would steal something like that.

"These silhouettes represent real people from Horwich who gave their lives in battle, it's quite a poignant thing.

"There were a lot of people from Horwich who served in the two world wars, and a lot of serving men and women live there now, so it's a really important time for the town.

"They aren't just for display, there's rather a lot of meaning behind them.

"These men and women allowed the person who stole this silhouette the freedoms that they have today.

"It was a local company who produced the silhouettes free of charge a few years back so it is disrespectful to them too."

A fundraiser has been set up for the RBL in Horwich to make up for the lack of poppies being sold this year.

It has nearly reached it's target of £2,000, having raised just over £1,800 so far.

However, this is significantly lower than the amount generated last year, which was around £40,000.

Mr Rotheram said: "The poppy appeal has been absolutely decimated this year, I had hoped to set a target of £50,000 but instead it had to be £2,000.

"But the community has rallied around and I'm happy that we've managed to raise this much during this year."

Donations can be made to Horwich Lamppost Poppy Appeal 2020.