A MAN from Poland who is living in Bolton has teamed up with a letting agent to meet the growing demand for homes for Polish immigrants.

In a sign of the times, letting agents GNL Property Management are putting up "To let" boards written in Polish.

The firm teamed up with Polish immigrant Daniel Zabiegalowski whom they helped to house.

The first sign has been put up outside 22 Hollins Grove Street in Darwen.

It reads "Mieszkania do wynajecia dla kazdego na kazda kieszen. Mowimy po polsku".

It roughly translates to "House to let for everybody. We speak Polish."

Managing director of the lettings firm, Graham Lightbown, said that Polish people were being exploited by some landlords.

So he said he decided to create Polish-only signs after discovering that not being able to speak English was a huge barrier for people looking for somewhere to live.

Mr Zabiegalowski, aged 24, moved to the UK in 2003 and now acts as a translator for Polish people and Graham.

He said: "I think it is a good idea. I have had a number of people ringing up and making inquiries when a sign has gone up in Polish, they are very helpful to those who cannot understand English."

Since 2004 when Poland was admitted to the European Union it is thought that as many as 50,000 people from that country have set up home in Lancashire.

Mr Lightbown, who has 150 houses on his books, said: "I had a couple of houses in Bolton and I had one on the same street as a Polish family who were looking for somewhere to live.

"Some Polish people are living in homes that are in a state of disrepair.

"I built up a relationship with this family and I have been helping other Polish people find homes, sort out National Insurance numbers and council tax when they come to the UK.

"I employ Polish workers and I have found some were being exploited elsewhere.

"I think the niche is there and people from Poland are respectful people. They look after the properties.

"I set up the business in 1999 and I would have produced signs that could be read by Asian people when Asian people first moved to the UK."

While most of the business is currently focused on East Lancashire, Mr Lightbown said he would move into Bolton as and when demand arose.