SMITHILLS Open Farm has welcomed some new - and very cute - arrivals this week.

The farm is already home to a wide selection of animals, but on Tuesday three adorable additions were born.

Two kids gave staff a pleasant start to their day as they walked in to check on the goats.

Later on, a baby llama made its first appearance into the world.

Farm boss Carl Grimshaw said: “The goats were born first thing Tuesday morning, well, we think they were born during the night as they were already there when we arrived at work.

“We could hear them before we could see them, they are very noisy.

“The llama was born later that morning at around 10.30am.

“We haven’t had many baby animals for a while so it was a pleasant surprise.

“With llamas it’s really difficult to tell when a baby will be due, with a sheep or a cow you can see when they’re heavily pregnant but it’s always a surprise with the llamas.

“The farm is home to around 50 goats and 21 llamas, including the new baby.

“They haven’t been named yet but we will probably run a competition online so that customers can choose a name.”

Smithills Open Farm is now back open to the public and they have some family-friendly events planned later this month for Halloween.

Carl said: “This year we are having our first-ever pumpkin picking event, which will run on October 17 and 18, then from the October 24 until the end of the month.

“During half term we will have activities running each day, staff will be dressed up and the farm will be decorated for Halloween.

“We’re hoping to have our woodland walk too but we are still planning this.

“The farm is very much open for business, we’ve actually found having bookings online very successful, it’s allowed us to manage everything better.

“If anyone wants to visit but is unsure, we can recommend coming during the week when it’s a bit quieter.”