THE University of Bolton has implemented a series of measures in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, including some staff working off campus on a rota basis.

No one at the university has tested positive for the virus, and the containment measures are being implemented as a precaution to ensure the health and wellbeing of students and to ensure the establishment can continue teaching students.

The university will also suspend events ­— such as conferences ­— on campus and university will not attend such outside events.

And where appropriate, some university staff will work remotely on a rota basis to minimise risk of exposure of all personnel and help ensure business continuity if the situation changes.

Professor George E Holmes DL, President and Vice Chancellor of the University of Bolton, said: “As far as the university is concerned we are taking proportionate and appropriate steps to ensure staff and student safety. With regard to teaching, it is business as usual.
“I would like to stress that there is no evidence that the University has been affected by Coronavirus, however we have decided it is prudent to act proactively with a series of carefully considered contingency plans.
“In the unlikely situation where a member, or members, of staff have to self-isolate after being in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus, these measures will enable us to draft in ‘reserve’ staff who will have been working remotely.
“As ever, our primary concern is the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff.
“We hope these positive measures will go some way to ensuring that our core business – educating our students to the highest possible standard – will continue as the global situation unfolds.”
Lectures will continue as normal but students are asked to avoid on-campus activities beyond normal study requirements and while on campus remain in their class groups to limit potential cross-infection in the event of in the event of any individual being tested positive for Covid-19.

Open Days, applicant visit days, offer holder days and schools outreach activity will continue as normal but with additional precautions.

Air travel and/or trips to London will be restricted to absolutely essential business engagements only.
Some UK universities have cancelled graduation ceremonies they were due to hold this month.

The Department for Education said Public Health England has issued guidance to help schools and other academic institutions give advice to pupils, students, staff, parents or carers.

A spokesman for Universities UK said: "At present, the advice from government is to continue business as usual where appropriate.

"The sector is keeping the situation under constant review and individual universities will also be making their own assessments, working in conjunction with public health officials in their area, to make decisions about events and other activities.

"This is a constantly-evolving situation and universities are planning for a range of scenarios.

"The health of all students and staff is of the utmost importance to university leaders and Universities UK and Universities UK International will continue to share the appropriate guidance and support our members."