A nursery have received their first defibrillator in their mission to prioritise first aid.

Jackie Nairn took over the nursery 18 months ago with the goal of ensuring all staff were trained in first aid.

Ms Narin said: "We have been working hard to raise funds for a defibrillator to service the whole of Astley Bridge.

"We were originally going to fundraise for one with an outside case but after seeking advice from our first aid trainer we decided it would be more beneficial to raise funds for two defibrillators.

"The second will be situated at Strathmore residential home, this means there is access to the public 24/7.

"The children have been learning about the 'heart machine' and the number we dial in an emergency. We are hoping to offer small training sessions to parents so they can see how easy it is to save a life."

The nursery still need to raise £300 for the second defibrillator and are organising a raffle later this month.