Nick Cullen's version of a family favourite

The first Sunday of February marks Yorkshire Pudding Day, a day devoted to celebrating one of the county’s most famous exports. The glorious Yorkshire pudding is truly a British institution and the staple of Sunday lunch.

Yorkshire pudding has been a popular dish in this country since as far back as the early 1700s. It was invented to make use of the fat from the dripping pan while the joint of meat roasted in the oven and, thus, the ‘dripping pudding’ was born.

Originally made in a rectangular tin, the Yorkshire pudding was eaten as a first course served with thick gravy. The idea of this was to fill up the diners with low-cost, carb-heavy food so that they would eat less of the expensive meat in the second course.

Gradually the Yorkshire pudding became part of the main meal itself although it is still served as a starter in some parts of Yorkshire today. It can even be enjoyed as a dessert and served with jam or golden syrup and cream.

Yorkshire puddings are still hugely popular in this country and big business in the UK; Aunt Bessie’s, the biggest ready-made Yorkshire pudding brand, make up to 20 million each week. What’s more, there is an ongoing battle to grant this humble staple Protected Designation of Origin status, much like Stilton cheese and Clotted Cream.

The secret of making a really good Yorkshire pudding is to ensure your fat is very hot before adding the batter. This will result in a lovely crispy edge whilst maintaining a fluffy soft middle. Don’t be tempted to open the oven door until they are ready otherwise your puddings will collapse – they need to be wonderfully golden and well-risen.

In 2008, the Royal Society of Chemistry suggested that “A Yorkshire pudding isn’t a Yorkshire pudding if it is less than four inches tall”. So keep that oven door shut (and your fingers crossed) if you want to achieve perfection.


(makes approx. 12 large puddings)

140g plain flour

4 eggs

200ml milk

Pinch of salt

Beef dripping or vegetable oil

Whisk the flour, eggs, milk and salt together in a large bowl to make a smooth batter. Pour into a jug and allow to rest for an hour or so.

When you are ready to cook your Yorkshire puddings, pre-heat the oven to 230c and place a couple of muffin trays on a baking tray to heat up. When the oven reaches temperature, remove the trays and add a little oil or dripping (about a teaspoon) to each muffin hole.

Place back in the oven for 5 minutes until the oil is very hot. The secret of making a really good Yorkshire pudding is to ensure your fat is very hot before adding the batter. This will result in a lovely crispy edge whilst maintaining a fluffy soft middle.

Carefully and quickly pour the batter into each mould and cook for 15 minutes until well risen and golden. This will result in a lovely crispy outer with a soft and fluffy middle.

If you prefer your Yorkshire pudding to be crispy all the way through, then cook for another 5-10 minutes.

Serve immediately alongside your Sunday roast or with some sizzling sausages and onion gravy.