BY day he treats patients at Royal Bolton Hospital and at night he often has people in stitches.

Now after performing at Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Consultant Dr Kevin Jones ­— billed as the funniest man in medicine ­— is bringing his sell-out show to the Albert Halls to raise money for Bolton Hospice.

The Bolton News:

“All six nights at the festival sold out,” said Dr Jones, who is a consultant physician at the Royal Bolton Hospital, “It was great to perform there, I got excellent reviews which was surprising but gratifying.”

He added: “Bolton Hospice asked if I would perform at the Albert Halls and all the money raised will go to the hospice.”

And this will probably be the last time audiences will get to see the show, ‘Telling the Wrong Man he had Cancer and Other Hilarious Stories’.

The Bolton News:

“Many people couldn’t get to the preview show or to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe so this is for them,” said Dr Jones, who lives in Harwood, “This is the last time I will do this show because I think it is time for a new show.”

“The first half will be about how I put the show together and the second half will be the show I performed at the festival.”

He added: “Ticket sales are going well and I have performed at the Albert Halls before but not since it has been refurbished so am looking forward to it.

“Performing in front of a Bolton audience is absolutely the best, they are a fabulous crowd.”

The Bolton News:

Medicine is Dr Jones’ first love and he got into after-dinner speaking and stand-up by accident.

He did a lot speaking and performing whilst at university and as a junior doctor he was a medical officer for a Rugby League team at the weekends. And at a testimonial dinner he offered to get up and tell a few medical stories which were more popular than the booked speakers!

The rest, as they say is history.

The Bolton News:

The show is on January 17, starting at 7.30pm For tickets and more information visit

To experience a taste of what to expect visit