DELVE into the world of mummies and mystery as Bolton Museum explores its past.

Bolton Museum is home to a world class Egyptology collection and has a new gallery to match.

But how and why is it here?

Collection officer Ian Trumble will answer this and more at the first of a series of Egyptology Evening talks.

Mr Trumble will give an insight into the making of the museum.

In 1884 Bolton opened its first museum, ‘The Chadwick’ named after its principle benefactor.

Founded as a Natural History museum, it wasn’t long before it housed collections of Art, Social History, World Cultures and not least of all Egyptology.

The collections grew, thanks to the enthusiasm of a local mill owner’s daughter, Annie Barlow, who worked with the Egypt Exploration Society to bring Egypt to Bolton.

From mummies to jewellery, and statues to temple columns the collections span several thousand years of history.

Talks will take place second Thursday of the month from 7pm. Hear Mr Trumble this week. Book via Eventbrite. £5.