THE future of a town centre nightclub looks uncertain as the company which owns it is due to be dissolved.

IKONIC nightclub in Nelson Square has been beset with problems since it launched in September after a £500,000 refurbishment.

Ongoing “licensing issues” have led to the cancellation of a number of events and last week an under 18s night was called off at the last minute because of “technical issues”.

Dean Morton, owner of IKONIC is listed as the director of four companies all based in Nelson Square.

Two of the companies, Nelson Square Trading Ltd and Nelson Square Properties Ltd, posted notices published at Companies House on February 19 saying they were to be “struck off the register” and “dissolved”.

The Bolton News understands a licence for the IKONIC premises in Unit 3, Nelson Square, exists and was granted in 2016 when the club was under different management.

However, changes to the layout inside mean the licence no longer matches the premises.

Now an application to vary the licence has been submitted to Bolton Council, and includes “changes to internal floor plan”.

The variation application seeks to extend the opening hours. The old licence’s opening hours are 9am to 2am Sunday to Thursday and 9am to 4am Friday and Saturday.

If the new licence is approved by the council’s licensing officers, new opening hours for the venue would be 8am to 5am every day.

The club was taken over by Mr Morton and business partner Chelsea Edgar and hosted a handful of club nights.

However in November a flagship event for the club, a wrestling night, was cancelled the day before, leaving the organiser ­— Preston City Wrestling ­— out of pocket to the tune of £2,000, they claimed.

At the time the owners said there was a “small licensing issue caused by incorrectly filled out paperwork”.

In December an Illuminati night had to be pushed back a week, again because of “ongoing licensing issues”.

People who had bought tickets were offered refunds and entry to the following week’s event.

The Bolton News understands the club has been able to open on specific nights using temporary event notices.

Most recently, on February 19, an under 18s night was cancelled just 30 minutes before the party was due to start. This was put down to technical issues at the club, caused by a USB stick that a warm up act was using. The event took place the following night at a different location in Little Lever.

Mr Morton has been approached for a comment.