BOLTON-based Poundbakery has this week unveiled its latest tasty product, the Vegetable Curry Roll, in a bid to meet the rising demand for vegan goods.

With more and more people going vegan and the increasing popularity of Veganuary the Poundbakery has seen sales of its plant-based pastries hit an all time high.

The new Vegetable incarnation adapts the bakery's original curry roll recipe cutting out all animal bi-products to make it totally vegan friendly.

The pastry has proven a hit around the country and could become permanent feature on the Poundbakery menu ­— so we gave it our taste test to see how the savoury snack measured up.

Overall the curry roll is a solid addition to the vegan options available on the high street ­— especially in this price bracket.

The filling is fragrant, aromatic and moreish with a good balance of spice and creaminess, and a tantalising hint of coconut.

It has a good consistency and is not too runny or too stodgy, and the eponymous vegetables are detectable.

The pasty is golden and flaky, however it was a tad undercooked towards the lower layers, likely due to the moist filling.

The Vegetable Curry Roll joins the Poundbakery's ever popular Vegetarian Sausage Roll, made with a soya filling mixed with herbs and wrapped in puff pastry ­— which is also 100 per cent vegan.

Keely Palin, marketing manager at Poundbakery said: "Our Poundbakery vegan friendly vegetarian sausage rolls have been a hit with our vegetarian and vegan customers for years as our rolls don’t contain any animal bi-products.”

"We have a very loyal following, selling over 1.5 million a year at 2 for £1. Greggs have recently launched their vegan sausage roll, but we encourage everyone to compare it to ours. If you like our vegetarian sausage roll then I’m sure you’ll love the new Vegetable curry roll too."

Both the Vegetable Curry Roll and Vegetarian Sausage Roll are available at The Poundbakery now, priced 70p each or two for £1.