AN event to honour First World War soldiers is being held in Belmont.

Because it is the 100th anniversary of the end of the war, Belmont Local History Society is celebrating the lives of soldiers who managed to return home as well as those who lost their lives.

Parts of the village will be adorned with bunting alongside small wooden soldiers depicting those who fell.

The names of the 17 soldiers who lost their lives are included on the memorial in the village churchyard, along with details of family, what they did for a living and where they fell.

The history group will also be placing the write ups together with a large poppy on the houses the soldiers lived in before going off to war.

Small maps will be available so people can walk about the village and find them to read about them.

The main event, which will be held on Saturday, November 10 and Sunday, November 11, will be in the village church, where there will be displays, refreshments, and a raffle.

The 17 fallen soldiers' names are: Jonathan Ainsworth, Thomas Locker, William Dawson, James Foley Naylor, William Ratcliffe, Fred Bath, William Ainsworth, Ernest Fish, Ernest Holland, William Wood, James Powell, John Moscrop, James Duane, R.S. Dixon, P. Clemmet, Wm Casstles Clemmet and F. Smith.

Several of these soldiers were part of the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment and the history group would like to hear from anyone who is related to any of them. Contact Tom Carr on 07469763163 or Julie Martin-Mitchell on 07522789015.

The church will be open from 11.30am - 4.30pm both days.