IT was Victoria Wood who first alerted Maxine Peake to the prejudice women can face in the film and television industry.

During filming of the sitcom dinnerladies in 1997 - Maxine’s big break - the Bury-born star told her: “You’re fat, you’re blonde and you’re northern, you’ll get typecast.”

It’s unlikely that those attributes would hinder a male actor’s career but inequality is something that seems to be ingrained in the industry.

In an interview for Bolton Film Festival, Maxine shared her views on the way females are often viewed and treated.

“Everyone is banging on about equal pay which is a must, but it’s about liberation too. Getting the stories out that we want to be told, whether that’s directors, writers, crew, whatever.

“It’s about being a woman and doing the stuff we want to do.”

She added: “Let’s make women’s parts more interesting, just because a woman has a lead part in something please let it not be all about marriage breakdown or wanting babies. There are places for that but there are much more complex and interesting women’s stories out there.”