ANGRY villagers packed a public meeting to voice their opposition to plans to build a multi-sports complex in Chew Moor.

Lostock Residents Group is objecting to proposals to expand Ladybridge Sports Club in Tempest Road - a main road through the village.

Under the plans Lostock Sports Club is to merge with Ladybridge to create a multi-sports complex on the site.

The move is part of a planning condition which would make way for 306 new homes at the Lostock club's current site, on former British Aerospace land in Lostock Lane.

Developer Lostock Properties has submitted plans for Tempest Road which include a sports pavilion and 70 car parking spaces. The expanded site would provide football, rugby, cricket pitches and a bowling green.

Around 100 residents, local councillors and officials from Bolton Council attended last night's meeting at Westhoughton High School Villagers said the development would have a detrimental impact on their lives through noise and light pollution and lead to increased traffic problems on an already busy road.

Mary Berry secretary of the Chew Moor and Lostock Conservation Society, said: "It is an open field used as an open space for the local community."

"We feel it is the only open space for local people in the area as all the others are fenced off and there is nowhere else for the children to play on."

Another resident, Janet Halliwell said: "Chew Moor is turning into the sports emporium of Bolton. There will be four clubs near a narrow road. Are we to have a flyover built to cope with the large amount of traffic?"

Other residents argued that other sites would be better suited to the complex and that there was a possibility that the facility could apply for expansion in the future.

The proposals have received 35 letters of objection and two petitions have been submitted to Bolton Council, which will decide whether to give it the green light.

Chairman of the local residents group Roy Walmsley said: "So many people are against it."

Planning officer Tim Hill said that sports complexes could be built on Green Belt Land.

He said: "We would like to receive comments about the complex by the end of July with a view to considering the application in August."

Mr Hill added that letters of support had also been received.

Norman Latham, acting on behalf of developers First Industrial, said: "We did look at other sites but because of issues this was our preferred site."