SWIMMERS who visit Smithills Sports Centre will soon be enjoying new facilities.

Sport England has pledged £228,816 of Lotto cash to the centre, in Smithills Dean Road, so new changing rooms can be built and the reception area can be modernised.

A spokesman for Bolton Multi Academy Trust, which is leading the improvement project and runs the centre, said: "The new larger and better-equipped male and female changing rooms will replace the current open plan facilities, and address the current lack of cubicles and lockers. The trust is confident that the new changing-room options will encourage more people, particularly women, to use the pool."

The pool was built nearly 60 years ago and lacks modern changing facilities.

The project is one of 19 across the country to be awarded cash by Sport England this week and £6.5 million will be spent nationally, mostly on improving swimming facilities.

Sport England property director Charles Johnston said: "Thankfully, as a nation we are becoming more active. Thanks to National Lottery funding, we can help Bolton Multi Academy Trust improve their facilities so even more people can enjoy a really first rate experience of being active."

The pool offers a range of sport and fitness activities for all age groups. Visit sportsmithills.co.uk/pool for more information.