YOUNG knights and ladies were treated to a "royal" visit as part of celebrations to mark Her Majesty the Queen's 90th birthday.

Heaton Dene Nursery in Westhougton held a party fit for a queen to mark the special year.

And the children couldn't believe their eyes when "Queen Elizabeth II" — also known as Myra Walkden, who works at the nursery — arrived to join them.

Looking regal in a pretty blue outfit, she spoke to the children before members of the public arrived later.

During the morning, youngsters, who were dressed to impressed, waited on "Her Majesty" before invited guests joined them to enjoy afternoon tea.

They tucked into fresh cucumber sandwiches.

The special garden party was held as part of studies into the Royal Family, its members, and its history.

Jean Gittins, owner of the nursery, said: "All the nursery children were involved from babies to pre-school. They made crowns and costumes, with the help of their parents, who like always, always get involved.

"One parent made a costume out of a net curtain. The parents were wonderful.

"Just like the Queen's Garden Party, guests, who were parents, arrived in the afternoon to join them."

She added: "During the week children have been learning about The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh.

"They learned an awful lot and they really enjoyed the garden.The 'Queen' retired for a rest before the afternoon, and the children couldn't wait for her to come back."