There are many different types of worms that can affect dogs and cats.

The main groups of worms are heartworm, lungworm and intestinal worms (hookworms, roundworms, whipworms and tapeworms).

The different types of worms differ in size and shape. For example, round worms look like strands of spaghetti and tape worms appear like small grains of rice.

The most common ways dogs and cats become infected with worms is through:-

a) Contact with other infected animals

b) Eating the larvae or eggs of worms

c) Eating raw meat or infected prey animals.

Worms feed on the blood and nutrients of the animal that they live in, causing your pet to feel very sick.

Signs that your pet may be suffering from worms include weight loss, dry or coarse fur, increased appetite, weakness, vomiting and diarrhoea.

Occasionally, you may see whole worms in vomit, poo or around your pet’s bottom but this is not always the case.

Puppies and kittens can be severely affected by worms and they often have a ‘pot belly’ appearance.

In young animals, a heavy worm infestation can lead to death.

It is also important to understand that animals that may appear healthy can still be infested with worms. It is therefore important that you make sure your pet is wormed regularly.

Preventative healthcare is crucial part of making sure your pet lives a happy and healthy life.

It includes preventing your pet from catching fleas, mites, ticks as well as worms. Most wormers that you can purchase from a veterinary practice need to be given regularly for them to be effective so check with your vet how often you should be treating your pet.

Preventative healthcare is easy. Treating a very sick animal is not as easy.

Please make sure that you are treating your pets with veterinary licensed products on a frequent basis under instruction from your vet.

Dr Abigail Evans MRCVS

RSPCA Greater Manchester Animal Hospital