Here we see a picture from 1956 when an extension scheme to the, then, Pack Horse Hotel was underway.

Once the scheme was completed our story says that the building will contain 43 bedrooms.

The next stage in the scheme was to be the completion, in a few weeks time, of the new building in Nelson Square.

After that would be the demolition of the old property which used to accommodate a hairdresser's shop and the joining together of the new building and the original hotel.

Our story says: "The scheme to make the Pack Horse worthy of a town of the size and importance of Bolton first came to public notice in November 1946 when it was considered by local licensing justices."

The entrance to the, then, new building was to be in Nelson Square and the entrance hall would accommodate a reception office, a porter's office and cloakroom and other facilities for visitors.

Today the building is no longer a hotel and accommodates students in town centre.