A DOG which is helping stressed out students to relax is to become a regular face at the University of Bolton.

Pets as Therapy dog Zara will return to the university following "phenomenal" feedback in the initial trial to help students.

Feedback from a January pilot study shows 97 per cent of those who met Zara, the beautiful curly coated retriever "would definitely use the service again" with 80 per cent per cent said it had improved their anxiety levels.

Senior Psychology Lecturer at the University of Bolton, Dr Jacqui Harrison, says research shows therapy dogs have proven positive impact of anxious people.

She said: "For many years, we have been aware of the positive psychological and physiological benefits of interacting with animals, with dogs being the most effective in providing these benefits.

"Recently, scientific research has shown that the mere presence of a therapy dog can significantly reduce anxiety levels in people who are encountering stressful situations in their lives.

"Petting a trained therapy dog in a controlled environment has been shown to reduce people’s blood pressure and heart-rate, and generally instil a feeling of well-being for the recipient, with some of these changes lasting well beyond the initial interaction."

Fiona Valentine, Zara’s owner and disability services manager in the university students centre, said: "There was a great buzz around the day from the students and she was mobbed by students and staff like a celebrity every time we left the office.

"It does appear that many students are talking about the service as walking around the campus she is either recognised by name or by the fact that she is the therapy dog."

Feedback from the trial was very positive.

One student said: "Zara is a really sweet calm dog, which makes the experience really great. It was a novel and relaxing way to take time out."

Another said: "I found it a very calming dog, she is well trained and very friendly."

One student added: "I felt calmer even though my deadline is in 24 hours."

Zara will be visiting the university regularly and will especially be around during exam week on Wednesday May 25.

Appointments for students will be based in the student centre, lasting 10 minutes, and can be booked by calling into the advice centre in the Chancellor’s Mall, by telephone on 01204 903 733 or by email at studentadvisors@bolton.ac.uk.