PRINCE Edward's visit was the icing on the cake for Bolton School's 100th anniversary celebrations.

The school has been celebrating its landmark year and the Earl of Wessex was invited to officially commemorate the milestone by unveiling a plaque.

And the entire school population turned out to greet him

He stopped to talk to children before learning more about the school's involvement in the Duke of Edinburgh scheme and charity work carried out by students.

Nishan Sharma, aged six, said: “I have been very excited about the visit, we are very proud he chose to come to the school. Beech House is very special and very kind.”

The Prince stopped to speak to Amina Patel, aged 13, as he got out of the car.

She said: “He asked which year I was in and which the younger ones were in.

“I wasn’t expecting to speak to him, it was really exciting to see a member of the royal family.”

Chris Pantelides, school captain, aged 17, said: “It is a very proud moment for the school to welcome a royal visitor it is a long time since we have had royalty at school.

“It is great for younger people to experience having a royal visit.

“This is the icing on the cake for the school’s 100th and 500th anniversaries.”

He added: “I spoke with the Prince about my work at Beechville Care Home and also my work in helping deliver football coaching sessions to younger boys. He was very easy to talk with.”

Head girl Sarah Ibberson, aged 17, added: “He talked to me about my volunteering and Duke of Edinburgh experiences and he listened attentively as I told him about my mentoring in English and my netball playing. He was genuinely interested and asked thoughtful questions.”

Alfie Yearsley, aged 12, added: “We are honoured to have a royal visit and show him our school.”

Sue Hincks, Headmistress of the Girls’ Division: “Prince Edward was genuinely interested in our work and asked a good deal of questions; he particularly liked meeting pupils who talked to him about the challenges and fun they have while learning new skills and helping others as they undertake the Duke of Edinburgh Award.”

Philip Britton, Headmaster of the Boys’ Division: “The Earl was also very eager to learn about all the hours of work that our pupils, particularly the Sixth Form students, commit to helping out others in the local community.

“He spent time talking with students and learnt a little more about the our school before unveiling a plaque celebrating 100 years of the Bolton School Foundation, girls’ division and boys’ division.”