PHIL Gartside, is confident Sam Allardyce's shock departure will not spark an exodus of the club's Premiership stars.

Allardyce's resignation 11 days ago cast doubts over the futures of record signing Nicolas Anelka, fans' favourite El-Hadji Diouf, skipper Kevin Nolan and highly-rated keeper Jussi Jaaskelainen.

But the chairman says the only member of the first team squad he is resigned to losing this summer is defender Tal Ben Haim, who was a Chelsea target in January and has made it known that he will not sign a new deal when his current contract expires at the end of June.

He has also dismissed claims that Anelka, who is said to be a target for Italian giants, Juventus, is unhappy at the Reebok and wants regular Champions League football.

"As far as we are concerned it's not difficult," Gartside said of the Anelka situation.

"We've had no approaches and no indication from Nicolas that he is unhappy. He's never indicated he is unhappy in all the time he has been with us and I have no reason to believe he wants to leave.

"And the same goes for everybody at the club, other than Ben Haim, who has consistently refused to sign a new contract, in spite of our efforts to convince him otherwise."

Gartside is determined to move on following the events of last week, when Allardyce resigned after eight successful seasons and Sammy Lee, his assistant for the past two, stepped up to become Wanderers' 17th post-war manager.

Lee will be given the same financial scope to strengthen his squad in the summer and is likely to target many of the players who were already on the club's wanted list. But he has already conducted scouting missions of his own - he was in Switzerland to watch Grasshoppers Zurich play FC Sion last night - as he looks to add to the Swiss midfielder Blerim Dzemali and the French defender Gerald Cid, who signed pre-contract deals in January.

With the full support of the club's owner, Eddie Davies, Gartside is determined to make the managerial transition as smooth as possible.

"Plans are already in place," he said. "In so far as we've got the same structure and the same staff, other than one person, the plans were already well in motion for next season, witnessed by Cid and Dzemali who signed in January on pre-contracts.

"We've watched several more players and progressed towards transfer targets that were already clearly identified and, as usual, we'll spend the summer assessing other targets, using the same database and same methods to determine whether these players are the right sort of players for the next phase of our development.

"There is money available to spend in the transfer market, as there has been every year.

"We now have a valuable squad that's the envy of quite a lot of people in this division. We've not been a selling club for a number of years and we've no need to be a selling club at this stage."