COUNCILLORS in Horwich have spoken of their shock after the news that the town could be used for fracking.

Several councillors voiced their strong opposition against the plans after The Bolton News reported that the government has offered a licence to drilling firm Osprey to carry out exploratory work on land covering Horwich, Blackrod, Rivington and Belmont.

The rest of Bolton has also been earmarked as having the potential for shale gas extraction.

Fracking is the process of drilling into the ground and injecting rocks with liquid at high pressures to create cracks, which helps to release shale gas.

Cllr Richard Silvester, ward councillor for Horwich North East, attended a meeting of Horwich Town Council to express his concerns.

He said: "I am completely against fracking, I have had residents over the past number of years contacting about this issue.

"I would like to recommend that this council has a debate on fracking at some stage."

Other councillors also moved to voice their opposition against the controversial technique, with concerns including the possible creation of tremors and potential contamination.

Cllr Joyce Kellett, leader of the town council said: "I think we need to get every bit of information we can get, and put it to the people of Horwich and let them decide, but I am sure that 100 per cent of people will be against fracking in Horwich."

Cllr Steven Chadwick added: "I think the majority of people in Horwich were shocked that they heard about it through the news, rather than through an official source.

"I think the best thing we can do is take on those comments made by residents."

Cllr Bob Allen, who sits on Bolton Council's planning committee, said he did not want to state his views because it may come before the body.

But Cllr Kellett said she was concerned that councils in Bolton and Horwich could be bypassed, and that ministers may override the decision irrespective of local feeling. Councillors agreed to debate the issue at a future meeting.