A LONG-SERVING Bolton councillor has been chosen to head up a new Conservative Party campaign to turn the North-west blue.

Cllr John Walsh was appointed the first chairman of the new North West Regional Board at a meeting of the Conservative Party Board in London.

Cllr Walsh, who represents Astley Bridge, will also serve on the party's newly established Northern Board covering the North-west, North-east, and Yorkshire and Humberside. The chairman of the Northern Board is Shadow Foreign Secretary and former Tory leader William Hague.

Cllr Walsh said: "The creation of the North West Board will bring Conservative Party campaigning to the very heart of the region.

"As chairman I will be able to take issues directly to the leadership of the Conservative Party and ensure that policies which affect the North-west are debated and developed.

"The creation of the North West Board is a huge step forward and by serving under William Hague on the Northern Board we can ensure that the north of England has more involvement in the running of the Conservative Party than ever before.

"It will show once and for all that the Conservative Party is a national party, not a London centred, southern based party. I look forward to the challenge with pride."