UNISON members will not take industrial action over Bolton Council's planned £10.6 million in cuts.

The union argues the cuts will see job losses as well as changes to terms and conditions for key staff.

Natalie Mills, spokesman for Unison, said: "Members are very worried about a number of issue including the Pay and Grading system, compulsory redundances and changes to terms and conditions for some staff.

"We are not looking at industrial action at this stage because many of the members are worried about their jobs.

"As a result we will be pursuing all other means to try and improve the situation for employees."

Up to 400 employees have had to take a pay cut because of changes to their working terms and conditions.

"The changes include reducing the pay for working unsocial hours.

Among the cuts, around £4.6 million is being slashed from the adult services and culture and community cohesion budgets, accounting for 130 lost posts and the closure of the Manor Court care home in Harwood will save £820,000 with the loss of 50 jobs.