SUN, sea and sand took a back seat for castaway Erica Hurst as she turned her talents to the island's vegetable patch.

The 22-year-old former lapdancer bonded with divorced 58-year-old Francie Smee and the duo tended the plants in the Castaway camp on Greater Barrier Island, a remote island off the coast of New Zealand. During last night's BBC 3 show Erica, of Kearsley, admitted she had quit lapdancing because her husband, Matthew Williams, had asked her to.

She amazed Francie by confessing she had earned up to £600 a night during her lapdancing days.

But the former nursery nurse was impressed with Erica's green fingers.

Following their bonding session, Erica said: "She (Francie) said that I have so much potential because I'm a quick learner and she said it's stupid that I'm not doing something with it.

"Everyone else has said that to me, but I don't listen. But I want to prove to people I'm not as useless as I think I am."

Elsewhere on the island, former drug and alcohol addict Jason Ross was adjusting to isolated life away from the rest of the camp after being voted the laziest person on the island.