FROM Bin-men bake-offs to teddy bear tea parties — Bolton groups got in the charity mood for Children in Need.

A host of different events were held across the borough to help to raise money for the annual BBC event.

Kids from Lady Bridge Pre-School kicked things off with a treasure hunt and read teddy-bear stories before having a picnic.

Nursery owner Tyra Khan, aged 29, from Heaton, said: “It is very important to help those that are less fortunate than us and as a nursery, Children in Need is particularly close to our hearts, because it helps children, and our kids can identify with that more than other charities.”

Samera Safdar, aged 31, whose daughter Minahil, aged 3, took part in the morning’s fun, said: “It’s great that children are made aware of charity at a young age, Minahil’s been very excited at home and she can’t wait to watch on TV tonight.”

Elsewhere, at the Council's Environmental Services HQ in Wellington Street, employees were asked to challenge their inner Paul Hollywood during a 'Pudsey bake-off event' with cabinet member Nick Peel asked to play the role of Mary Berry and judge the offerings.

Cllr Peel said: “We are delighted that people are taking part to raise money for Children in Need, a good cause, and also to send a strong message about the benefits of home baking.”

At Blackrod Primary School on Manchester Road pupils came in dressed as their favourite super heroes for the day to raise cash for the BBC charity.

Nine-year-old Max Barnes, who donned a batman outfit, said: “Everyone’s really happy. It’s been more fun than a usual school day with Pudsey dancing in assembly.”

Last year the charity, which aims to change the lives of disabled children and young people in the UK, raised £47m.