A BOLTON Council-run children’s home has been praised by Ofsted for helping vulnerable young people reach their full potential.

The home, which cannot be named, was rated good with outstanding features by the government’s education watchdog which said the children “feel and are safe, very happy and settled”.

The report also said the home’s arrangements for safeguarding and protecting their welfare was good with quality of care and leadership and management described as out-standing.

Ofsted inspector Lynn O’Driscoll said: “For the majority of the young people, since moving to this home, missing from home incidents have gradually reduced and completely ceased. Alcohol and substance misuse has decreased.

“This has directly resulted in a marked improvement in incidents of challenging behaviours despite some extremely complex histories.”

Staff are described as having high aspirations for all the young people, helping them settle into education and re-establish positive contact with their families.

Ms O’Driscoll said: “Young people live in a particularly homely and nurturing environment where their physical, emotional and social wellbeing is actively promoted.”

They are said to have positive ambitions, including one young person stating they would like to be a social worker.

The inspector said: “Young people’s social workers and the local police confirm excellent collaborative working with this experienced and well-trained staff team. This effectively safeguards and promotes young people’s welfare.”

Staff were also praised for helping the young people move into their own place.

The inspection report concluded: “Young people receive outstanding care and support from a qualified, highly experienced, competent and particularly stable staff team.”

A Bolton Council spokesman said: “We’re pleased to see that Ofsted recognises the hard work of our teams who are dedicated to helping the borough’s vulnerable young people.

"We are proud of the way our staff build strong and effective relationships with the young people and their families to ensure they receive the best care possible.”