THE team at the Horwich Heritage Society is no stranger to exploring the fascinating history of the town of Horwich.

But its latest project — a beautifully illustrated 84-page book — delves into that history in a very different way.

The society has existed for 28 years and has already produced numerous book-lets and DVDs about the town’s rich history.

The new book, The History of Horwich in 20 Objects, is its biggest project yet.

Inspired by the recent BBC Radio Four series, The History of the World in 100 Objects, the book has been created by 16 different authors who have all submitted stories about key aspects of the history of Horwich.

The book, which is priced at £10, will be launched at a special event at the heritage centre in Beaumont Road on Saturday, November 30, from 10am until 1pm.

To add to the fun, all of the 20 objects referred to in the book are on display at the centre and visitors can investigate them by following the 20 objects trail.

Stuart Whittle, chairman of the society, said: “This is a new venture for us and we have produced a limited number of books to begin with to see how it goes — there is such a rich history in this area that we could have produced many more chapters, so there may be another volume.

“We have brought it out now in the hope that it will capture the Christmas market by providing a present that is a little bit different and of particular local interest.”

Among the host of intriguing objects on display at the centre are a gas ventilating sunburner, a child’s high chair, a football rattle and a brass tap.

Horwich town councillor, Ken Denton, said: “The society does excellent work to help people understand the history of Horwich and it has got better and better every year.

“The town has a fascinating history and the people who live here are very proud of that.

“I think that one of the most important things is the amount of work the society does with the children of Horwich, local schools are often sending their pupils to the centre and they are learning a different type of history, local history.”

Anyone who wants to find out more about how these and the other objects on display link to the history of Horwich is invited to either purchase the new book or go along to the centre to follow the trail.