Watch our exclusive video of the police raid HERE.

AFTER yesterday morning's drugs raids, police handed out thousands of leaflets to residents which explained why Operation Hercules had been carried out. A mobile police base was also moved to Deane.

The leaflets were printed in English and Urdu and included a hotline for residents to contact if they have concerns about drug supply and for addicts to seek help.

The raids were welcomed by members of the community.

Cllr Ismail Ibrahim, who accompanied police on a raid at Milford Road, Great Lever, said: "This will be reassurance for the Asian community and the community as a whole that this type of behaviour will not be tolerated.

"In the past, there has been a situation of denial but it is now acknowledged that there is a problem within the community."

Hayward School governor Iftikhar Khan, aged 43, of Green Lane, who lives near Milford Road, said: "I'm a bit surprised to see such a large number of police on the street but it's very reassuring to know that the police are taking action against drugs."