A VANDAL attack has left churchgoers counting the cost in the run-up to their harvest festival preparations.

A window at Horwich Spiritualist Church was smashed at a time when it is trying to raise funds for the needy in the community.

Church President Chris Sherrington said the damage, believed to have been caused on Saturday, September 21, has left the church out of pocket.

He said: “It is very frustrating as that very day we had a fundraising event preparing for the harvest festival, getting donations for the hungry and the needy. It is a temporary inconvenience and we are not sure how much it will cost yet.”

Two pieces of masonry were used to break the window in the mediums’ room at the back of the building in Chorley New Road.

The room is used by visiting mediums to help them prepare for sessions.

Mr Sherrington added: “I think the person responsible will have known it was a church but I don’t think it was targeted against the religion.

“We constantly fundraise and the repairs will come out of funds we have worked hard for..

“It is the first time that the church has fallen foul to vandals, although cars have previously been scratched outside the church.”

The damage came to light after a neighbour noticed the debris and alerted church officials.

The incident follows Deane Parish Church in Junction Road being burgled on the same day. Microphones were stolen after burglars forced their way into the building.

Police are investigating the incident at Horwich Spiritualist Church, and anyone with information can call police on 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously on 0800 555111.