POLICE freed a man who was being held prisoner in the kitchen of a house.

Andrew Goodram had his hands and feet bound together with sellotape, Bolton Crown Court heard.

Rachel White, prosecuting, told the court how Mr Goodram, who was said to be a drug addict, went to a house in Roxalina Street, Daubhill, which is owned by Aaron Green’s mother.

Judge Peter Davies was told Mr Goodram had borrowed £50 from Green, who wanted it back and enticed him to the house to discuss repayment on June 19.

Green claimed that while in the kitchen Mr Goodram produced a syringe from his pocket.

Green overpowered his victim, tied him up and sat him on a chair, keeping him prisoner for at least two and a half hours.

During the imprisonment Green sent text messages to other people telling them what he was doing and warned Mr Goodram that he was going to get a van brought to the house to take him away.

Police, acting on a tip-off, walked into the unlocked house at 12.30pm and found the two men in the kitchen.

Green had a knife in his hand but the court heard that he was using it in cooking sausages.

Green, aged 25, of Roxilana Street, who is due to become a father for the second time at Christmas, was jailed for 12 months after pleading guilty to false imprisonment.

“You took it as a threat, rightly or wrongly,” Judge Peter Davies told Green.

“You didn’t use any act of violence but this must have been a frightening and intimidating experience.”

Judge Davies also ordered that he be placed on a register of people banned from working with children and vulnerable adults.