A-LEVEL student Paddy Pender has secured a place at Harvard University.

The sixth-former will be jetting out this summer to the United States Ivy League university — after realising it would be difficult to concentrate on both sports and academia in the UK’s top seats of learning.

The 17-year-old Bolton School pupil said: “Studying in America gives me the chance to excel not only in my studies but athletically as well.

“I can swim and study both at a high level over there in comparison to in the UK.

”I think they have had a few Olympians.”

Paddy has only been living in Bolton for the past 18 months, having moved from Oman.

He moved here with his brother Teddy and mum Melonie to pursue his love of swimming and join Bolton Metro Swimming Squad. Paddy said: “I was excited about coming to England and now I am excited about going to America — Boston the intellectual capital of the world.

“I am looking forward to immersing myself in the American culture.”

The teenager had to take a number of standard American tests including world history, which he learned in just three weeks and got full marks.

He also had to submit essays and undergo an interview.

Paddy said: “I do pick things up quickly but I have had to work hard otherwise I would not be here now.

“I spent all my summer holidays revising for the exams.

“I had set myself up for rejection and when I found out I was in, it was like a dream.” He will be travelling to American in August.

Future ambitions include becoming a lawyer as well as continuing with his swimming to a higher level.

“I think England is a funny country and I will miss that.

“I think Americans will have a different sense of humour,” he added.