A PRIMARY school in Horwich is backing an appeal to raise £250,000 to send a four-year-old boy struck down by a rare cancer to America for specialist treatment.

Little Sam Shaw is fighting for his life after being diagnosed with neuroblastoma, an aggressive cancer that affects the nerve cells.

To increase his chance of survival by 20 per cent his parents, Christine Shaw, a former Turton School pupil, and her husband Carl, aged 41, need to raise the money by June to access treatment only available in the US.

Claypool Primary School, where Sam’s grandma Margaret Speakman is office manager, is now focusing its charitable work on supporting the appeal.

Mrs Shaw said: “As a parent, all you want is to protect your child and see them grow up healthy and happy.

“Sam's diagnosis has left us feeling completely helpless in the face of this terrible disease that has taken over our little boy's body.

“After hearing the diagnosis we just knew what we needed to do and the support we have received so far has been overwhelming.”

Mrs Speakman, who is originally from Bromley Cross, and now lives in Darwen near her daughter, added: “Sam is my only grandchild.

“We have had such a good response from parents and pupils. One pupil asked for money to be donated to the appeal instead of birthday presents.”

Sam, who was diagnosed in January, has just celebrated his fourth birthday while undergoing gruelling chemotherapy at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.

His family have been told his cancer has spread from the main tumour in his adrenal gland, near his kidneys, to his bones and bone marrow.

Sam is now facing months of treatment, including 80 days of intense chemotherapy, surgery, further high-dose chemotherapy, stem cell rescue and radiotherapy before the possible immunotherapy in America.

The long-term survival rate for children with high risk neuroblastoma remains at less than 40 per cent.

The immunotherapy treatment in America will help stimulate his immune system so his own body should be able to recognise and attack the neuroblastoma if it was to return.

On April 26 and 27 staff at Claypool Primary School will take part in a sponsored 24- hour trampoline jump while children will complete a six- hour jump.

To donate visit justgiving.

com/SamShawAppeal or text sams67 and your amount, ie: £1, £2, £5 or £10, to 70070.