A SCHOOL ended the spring term on a high note after school inspectors marked it as “good”.

St Stephen and All Martyrs CE Primary School in Darcy Lever was recently placed in the top 100 schools nationally for “sustained improvement”.

And now, headteacher Michael Cummins says the school is on the path to becoming outstanding.

Ofsted visited the school and found teaching was “good”, with some being “outstanding”, and pupils were making good progress throughout the school.

Pupils at risk of falling behind in class are quickly identified and given additional support.

The inspectors reported: “Pupils say they enjoy their lessons and are taught and learn well.

“This is a school that meets the needs of all its pupils very well and where every pupil is equally valued.”

Ofsted inspectors added that they found there was a continued focus to improve teaching and raising pupils’ achievement further.

To celebrate the good news, the school held a non-uniform day on the last day of term.

Mr Cummins said: “I am absolutely delighted that the continued hard work from a dedicated team has been recognised by Ofsted. I was particularly pleased that Ofsted recognised the effectiveness of our pastoral care, describing it as a strength of the school and that pupils are well cared for.

“The dedication and enthusiasm of the school’s staff and pupils and the support of all our parents has certainly played a key part in this ‘good’ Ofsted result, so I would like to thank and congratulate them for that and I am sure it will continue.

“There is always room for improvement and those responsible for the leadership and management of the school will now endeavour to lead the school on to become not only ‘good’ but ‘outstanding’.

“We will strive to provide the best possible outcomes for all our pupils.”