BOLTON Council is a headline sponsor again for this year’s Bolton and Bury Business Awards, run by The Bolton News and Bury Times.

Cllr John Byrne, the council’s cabinet member for economy, housing and skills, welcomed the news and highlighted the authority’s work in business and economic life.

He said Bolton Council was delighted to be one of the headline sponsors of the awards for another year.

“It is recognition of the positive impact that the local business community has on the prosperity of the area and people’s lives,” he said.

“The council is proud to be a part of the prestigious annual event.”

Cllr Byrne said the awards will pay tribute to the hard work and determination of individuals and teams, and the achievements of businesses in challenging times.

He said: “During the past four years, the economic environment and public service context has changed fundamentally but while some things are beyond our control, such as the national economy and government policy, there is still much we can do to make a difference.

“Bolton is still well-placed at the heart of the Greater Manchester economy to secure growth and investment in the longer term.

“We should be optimistic about the future of our town, building on our proud history and heritage.”

Securing investment, growth and jobs for local people are the council’s economic priorities, he said.

Cllr Byrne, pictured, said Bolton must capitalise on its unique attributes — its location, transport, town centre retail offer, Middlebrook and Cutacre.

He said the council has a number of policies and plans that support the local business infrastructure, namely strategies for the economy, transport and skills.

Cllr Byrne said the council’s economic strategy highlighted the economic growth potential of the town centre and the importance of supporting existing and new business, transport was necessary to support economic growth and investment and access to future job opportunities.

The skills strategy, he added, aims to ensure that employees have the skills that employers need.

l To enter the awards visit the business_awards/ Businesses can include more information, testimonials or brochures, which can be sent in with the entry forms. The closing date is April 26. Call deputy editor Lynn Ashwell on 01204 537277 for more information.