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Death Notice


Published on 14/06/2024

FRANKLIN Thelma On Sunday 2nd June 2024 Thelma passed away in hospital aged 85 years. She was the beloved wife of the late Rudy, a mum, grandma, great grandma, sister-in-law, auntie, and friend to many. Thelma will be sadly missed by all who knew her. We are having family flowers only, However In lieu of flowers, donations can be forwarded to either Nigel, Gwen, or Peter. These will then be forwarded to C2 Ward at Royal Bolton Hospital (Who were extremely caring, allowing our Mother privacy, respect and dignity during her final days) The funeral will be held at East Lancashire Crematorium, Radcliffe on Wednesday 19th June at 10.30am. All enquiries to Co-op Funeralcare, 10/14 Ainsworth Road, Radcliffe M26 4EA. Tel, 0161 724 4151.


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