FAMILIES are being invited to help tackle an invasive plant which is taking root in Leverhulme Park.

Himalayan balsam competes with native plants along river banks and any one plant can disperse hundreds of seeds enabling it to spread easily.

The plant can already be found along the footpaths at Moses Gate Country Park and has now been spotted at Leverhulme Park.

Bolton NEWT are running events on June 23 and 30 from 4-8pm inviting families to come along and slash at the plants to halt their spread.

Chris Banks of Bolton NEWT said: "The plant has major weakness’s that can be easily exploited with persistence.

"As the plant is an annual, cutting or pulling the plant before it can seed will prevent the seeds developing and spreading.

Bolton NEWT will be hosting Soft Archery and Balsam Bashing at Leverhulme Park. Open to everyone of all ages, we’ll provide blunt weed slashers and careful supervision as we let families slash away the balsam in the park."