REGARDING the teacher who was allowed to continue to work with children whilst accepting a caution for his crime of actively downloading obscene images of children.

There is one fact that should have been considered, that to the rest of us seems perfectly obvious in the scandal of Mr Reeves case.

This man was caught accessing child pornography. It is alleged that in his defence to keep his job he claimed in a 'letter' , that he had accessed the website's 'accidentally'.

Forgive my ignorance but am I the only one who finds it very difficult to believe anyone could actually type a 16 digit credit card number and personal details into a website entirely 'accidentally'.

Not only this, in my own opinion anyone who has actively 'viewed' let alone paid to access this obscene material has in effect contributed to the abuse of each and every one of those children involved.The law should be changed immediately so that there should be no distinction.

Ian Upton Thomas More Close Bolton