APPARENTLY, some of your readers think that the motorist should pay for improvements to public transport. Where has this come from?

Motorists, like everyone else, pay towards transport through the council tax in the same way we contribute to emergency services etc.

We may not all use these services, but we still contribute, we have no choice.

We should have a choice of how we travel, whether to work or for leisure, it is our right to choose.

We should not be forced to use a mode of transport that suits the authorities. I thought they were there to serve us?

Where does all the money go to from all the taxes we pay — road tax, duty on fuel, tax on insurance etc? This money could be used to fund improvements to transport, but no, it just goes into the treasury coffers to be squandered on other things.

Congestion, in the main, has been created by untold hair-brained schemes to reduce road capacity, impede traffic flow and generally reduce usable road space through traffic islands, botched lines, lane reductions etc.

So please, let’s not hear of any more schemes to squeeze the drivers.

Let’s face it, congestion charging is just another tax and we are already paying eye-watering taxes, enough is enough.

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