I SPENT three hours trying to get to work yesterday and cannot believe that much of the area came to a stop because of three inches of snow. To top it all the roads were not gritted again.

And I am sure they will say they were caught off guard — again.

Well, it’s time to employ someone who knew on Monday it was going to snow yesterday and took precautions against it.

It’s time we started deducting our loss of wages from the council tax every time someone does not do their job.

I depend on every penny so close to Christmas, like many thousands of others.

As my council tax is due again soon I might take a stand this year.

It would be interesting if anyone feels the same — it might just scare them into action.

To top my day off they closed the school and I had to fight my way home again and collect my kids, meaning more expense.

Let’s take a stand against these people and their lack of forward planning.

Very angry motorist and parent, Horwich