IN response to Howard Bernstein’s letter, (November 15) can he just advise us of the truth for once?

With regards to new carriages, the only new carriages we are getting are from the government themselves and not via any TIF bid.The refurbished carriages, if I understand this, have already been refurbished by CENTRO, the West Midlands PTE, as we are actually getting their cast-offs as they are getting new carriages without the blackmail of a congestion charge!

When I first queried the policy about new carriages I was advised by senior members of the TIF bid that the TIF did not include any new carriages and just refurbished ones.

Who is telling the truth? Can we actually trust what is being advertised about the TIF if even their own members of the TIF bid are saying different things?

Damien Stanley, Thornham Drive, Sharples