ALTHOUGH for many ME sufferers the trek to Peru would be unthinkable, it is sad to hear that Maxine Hill just had a reality check (“Mum forced to put big Peru charity trek on hold”, October 25 and letters November 1). Her project was big.

For many of us with ME, sometimes even a trek to the grocery store has to be cancelled and visiting an elderly relative in a retirement home can be impossible because, on certain days, our biological age may feel like it far exceeds that of the person we want to visit.

There should be no guilt at letting anyone down, because we are the ones who have been let down by our totally exhausted and painful bodies which respond to every little irritation thrown at them. There is no getting well, be it sooner or later.

However, I hope the donors who supported Maxine do not reclaim their generosity.Good luck, Maxine!

Josette Lincourt, Montreal, Canada