At long last, has the penny finally dropped, I wonder?

Labour’s absurd out-dated policy of tax and spend has failed dramatically and this policy is now actually being questioned, by Labour and the left, with the Prime Minister Gordon Brown hinting at tax cuts, saying “the need for tax cuts was now a mainstream view”.

Barrack Obama (America’s Tony Blair) says he is planning to cut taxes also when he takes over the US Presidency and Germany is planning tax cuts to stimulate their economy.

Although Gordon Brown would dearly love to, he can’t tax his way out of this one.

Instead, the only way to help stimulate the economy and stave off a recession is to allow people to keep more of their own money.

I only hope that if and when the tax cuts come, they are permanent, across the board and as bold as the interest rate cuts made by the Bank of England.

This does, however, prove my point, (and I’ve been saying it for years) that excessive taxation seriously damages the economy.

If this were not the case they would actually be able to increase taxes to stimulate economic growth.

Stuart A Chapman Patterdale Road Harwood