IN Tuesday's Bolton News there was a story of a man who got fed up waiting for the council to come around and cut the grass on the public playing field opposite his home.

The kids couldn't play on there because of the length of the grass. So he took it into his own hands and cut the grass. Low and behold the children are now playing on the field again.

When challenged about the length of the grass and that the Council only comes round twice a year, someone from the council said, "they hadn't cut the grass on that particular field because the grass was so long. That the cutters had problems cutting that length of grass."

Hello Mr council spokesperson the reason it gets so long is that you only cut it twice a year, at best.

Thankfully Councillor Sean Hornby has raised this issue and is asking the council to look again at the "only twice a year" grass cutting policy of Bolton Council.

Desmond Magurk
