THE decision about Crompton Way defies logic.

This is a ring road designed to take traffic out of town, and yet now, as that is more necessary than ever, it is reduced, thus forcing traffic on to the town roads.

It has been done already on Moss Bank Way with the inevitable slowing of traffic. That good, wide road is wasted with unused cycle lanes.

They clearly wish to make tavelling so difficult for motorists that they will give up their cars, but there is no alternative so that we, the citizens, will be made to suffer with no positive outcome.

A massive road "improvement" has just been carried out at Four Lane Ends, Over Hulton, with great inconvenience to motorists.

It must have cost a huge amount and yet it is difficult to see much improvement.

Is there a lot of money left in the budget for this year? If so, there are better, less disruptive, things that are necessary.

Ian L Smith High Bank Breeze Hill Atherton